Tuesday 22 October 2019


This post links to another blog dedicated to this creepiest of online scammers, one Aslam Mohamed Halim.

He is purported to be dead and if that is actually the case, good!  If he is still alive and you run across him, run the other way.

The face of a liar, a thief and a crook.

Thursday 7 February 2019


I had dealings with a so called investment group in the UK the past few weeks who advised me they had USD$2.5M to invest in my company. While most things checked out about them: company registration, addresses, filings with Companies House (UK), names, etc. there was something a little hinkey about the deal from day one such as difficulty connecting by phone, very poor English in some of the communications and lack of confirmation on several matters that I requested clarification on.

When contacted by them, I responded with the following  rules my company works under. 
  1. We do not pay any up-front fees for any reason.
  2. If there are processing or legal fees of any kind required, we place them with our lawyer who then contacts your lawyer to ascertain the financing your company agrees to provide is documented and available to be released upon an agreement being executed between us.
  3. All processing is done through our corporate lawyer and your corporate lawyer.
  4. If you are agreeable to item 3, we will provide corporate details; company number, address, phone number, the bank I deal with and expect yourself to provide same.
  5. We do not engage in anything that can be construed as money laundering, drug money, etc., therefore anything that breaks the law.
The company in question is:

Walker Financial Limited
98 Aitken Road, Hamilton, Lanarkshire
UK  ML3 7Yl
Company No. SC490651

Phone: +44-7418478719
Fax: + 44- 1745258020

The principal is a Mr. Andrew John Walker or John Walker, depending on the day he emails.

His associate who Mr Walker presented as a lawyer and who is NOT  a lawyer is a Mr. Johns. A Paul or a Mr. Pauls A. John depending on the day. His full name is Paul Fouzi Ayoub Johns. I have made a report to the UK Law Society informing them that this "gentleman" is representing himself as a solicitor or lawyer when in fact he is not. 

Mr. Walker represents himself as representing an investor network of which he provide no proof whatsoever. When questioned as to the validity of the deal he responds with a lot of nonsense about having faith in god. 

The scam part of their deal is they will not provide an agreement without an upfront payment of 6,000 UK Pounds, a variation of the old upfront fee scam. 

So if you get emails from any of these email addresses, beware;

Finally, when I Googled their addresses on Google Earth, I discovered the office for Legato Legal is a print shop in a back lane.

The office for Walker Financial is a house in a housing area in Hamilton, Lanarkshire.  Want to check them out yourself, just go to these kinks



Thursday 29 November 2018

A New Scammer in the Business Market

If you own a business and are looking for financing and are approached by a woman by the name of MARY NEISSEN and a guy by the name of MARTIN KOHLER, run for cover and report them to your local police department.They are scammers. She represents herself as working for the Foreign Payments Security Department of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and in particular, the branch at 5700 Yonge Street in Toronto, Canada. However, a phone call to the manager of this branch reveal the RBC does not have a department with this name and no record of a Mary Neissen working at that branch. 

Now this is not too surprising given the following;

A quick check of the email address she provided: mary.neissen@rbcanada.ca turned out to be phony as RBC only uses the following format: info@rbc.com.

Then the second flag; she advised me I had to arrive in Toronto with $16,500 CASH to consummate a $2.5 Million financing deal her associate, Martin Kohler, had supposedly arranged for my company with a middle east investment fund that SUPPOSEDLY invests in projects involving children and the environment. This company's name for what it is worth is TEHRREQ PACIFIC GROUP and they are apparently located at KING FAISAL BIN ABDULAZIZ ROAD, AL TOUBAUSHI AREA, PO BOX 293, DAMMAM 31411, KSA or as commonly known, Saudi Arabia.

However, the flags raised by the requirement for an advance fee of CASH, the phony email address, the fact that MARY NEISSEN is not an employee of the RBC (this further verified by a phone call to the RBC HR department) and the phony department she supposedly worked for at RBC were more than enough for me to scrap the deal. 

I have listed them on www.ripoffreport.com, have provided a file to the local police and have written and provided the fake documents to the Royal Bank of Canada fraud and security department. They will be listed on more anti-scam sites over the next couple of weeks. I am also sending a file to the Ontario police and the FBI.

i will also have information on any associates in next few weeks. In the meantime, the next post.following  are images are of the letter I received from Ms Neissen on fake Royal Bank letterhead.


This post links to another blog dedicated to this creepiest of online scammers, one Aslam Mohamed Halim. https://aslammohammedhalim.blo...